SH2-155 The Cave Nebula
The Cave Nebula (Sh2-155) is a faint but large region of double ionized hydrogen, surrounded by dust, that lies in the constellation Cepheus. The area is rich in detail and very colorful, due to the red emission from ionized hydrogen and the blue of reflection nebulae. The area is populated by many dark nebulae, some very prominent and detailed. One of these is the central "cave-like" structure (APOD).
Imaging Data
Date: 10-9-2010
Location : Sudbury, Massachusetts
Optics : William Optics ZenithStar 66 Semi Apo Refractor
Filter(s) : Astronomik CLS-CCD
Mount : PiggyBack Meade LX-200 on ATS Pier
Autoguiding : None
Camera : Canon EOS 1000D Astro-modified
Exposure info : 13 x 300 second Exposures @ISO 1600
Total Exposure : 65 minutes