Comet 103P Hartley 2

Comet 103P Hartley Visits the Double Cluster


Comet 103P Hartley with Double Cluster

Comet Hartley 2, officially designated 103P/Hartley, is a small periodic comet with an orbital period of 6.46 years.  Its diameter is estimated to be 1.2 to 1.6 km.

Imaging Data

Date: 10-7-2010

Location : Sudbury, Massachusetts

Optics : Williams Optic ZenithStar 66 Semi Apo Refractor F/5.9

Filter(s) : Astronomik CLS-CCD

Mount : Piggyback on Meade LX-200 on ATS Pier and Mitty Wedge

Autoguiding : None

Camera : Canon EOS 1000D Astro-modified

Exposure info : 60 x 60 and 30 x 120 second Exposures @ISO 1600

Total Exposure : 120 minutes

Carlos David 2010