Comet Garradd and M71
Comet Garradd passing by M71 Globular Cluster
Comet Garradd and M71
Comet Garradd officially designated C/2009 P1 discovered by Gordon Garradd at Siding Spring, Australia in August 2009. the Comet passed near M71 on August 27, 2011. M71 is a loose globular cluster that lies at a distance of about 13,000 light years, making it one of the nearest globular clusters to our solar system.
Imaging Data
Date: 8-27-2011
Location : Sudbury, Massachusetts
Optics : Televue 85 Apo Refractor at F/7
Filter(s) : Astronomik CLS-CCD
Mount : Vixen GP mount sky sensor 2000PC
Autoguiding : None
Camera : Canon EOS 1000D Astro-modified
Exposure info : 10 x 2 minute exposures @ ISO 800
Total Exposure : 20 minutes